USEC Survey scales

List of survey scales that I have found useful in our research.

Personal list of survey scales useful in Usable Security research. The list is not comprehensive and instead represents scales I have been exposed to or seen presented.

General USEC scales

security and privacy attitudes, opinions, awareness, and behavior self-report

General HCI scales

  • System Usability Scale (SUS) - rough measure of usability. Well verified. It measures how much someone liked using a system and is likely to want to use it again.
  • NASA-TLX - Measures perceived workload the user experienced while interacting with the system. This measure is a mix of the task the user was engaged in and the interface, but it still helps understand how challenging it was for the user to perform a task on a system.
  • SUS vs NASA-TLX - Nice writeup by the Nielsen Norman Group
Kami Vaniea
Kami Vaniea
Associate Professor of Usable Privacy and Security

I research how people interact with cyber security and privacy technology.